Alternative Payment Options
To purchase On The Ball via Credit Card:
Click ‘Add To Cart’ under the desired issue of ‘On the Ball’, and you will be taken to a Paypal screen. Click the grey ‘Check Out’ button under the Paypal option to pay using a credit card without a Paypal account.
To purchase On The Ball via cheque:
Please send a cheque for the amount listed on the order page, made payable to “James Gaden”, to the address below. Please include your address with it so we know where to send your copy!
James Gaden
101 Barrington Avenue
To purchase On The Ball via bank transfer:
To pay via a bank transfer, please tranfer the amount listed on the order page to the account below:
Sort Code: 771212
Account: 17532360
Once you have made your transfer, please send an email to with your address for where the issue needs to go, and he will confirm he has received the payment.
Click here to return to the order page.